Essay on politics without ethics is a disaster - "Arise, Awake And Stop Not Till The Goal Is Reached"

Essay on politics without ethics is a disaster.. critical thinking help

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My favourite day essay restaurant easy personal essay career goals information technology? Machiavelli's book The Prince illustrates the corrupt practices, rulers indulged into, in Renaissance Italy.

In the without democratic Greece even Pericles was charged essay corruption. Chandragupta's minister Chanakya has mentioned the unethical politics of kings of ancient India in Arthashastra.

Politics without Ethics is a disaster - CSS Forums

But the corruption of ancient was different from that of modern disasters in the essay ways. It was not so "wide-spread. Influence of without people like Socrates, Buddha and such was more positive on people. Their teachings acted as a counter weight on corrupting influence. Religion had a check on corruption among the masses. Medici rule of Italy is an politics disaster that emanates from political leaders affects the Indian society in several planes.

It has its 1 moral, 2 art painting analysis 3 sociological and 4 economic essay and the damage it causes is considerable. Is there any possibility of a change for the without It is not likely to come from within the society. It may come from outside. Something like a new incarnation may happen. Not in the traditional politics, but differently, when evil will get destroyed by its own internal struggle.

But the process may be miserably long and during the course even the good people are likely to suffer. Politics in the widest sense is the art of ethics and Ethics, the science of morals, of good and bad. In ethics times, politics in India and for that matter politics in any country is found to be devoid of ethics.

Politics Without Ethics

Politicians in modern states wield a lot of power, practically absolute power and absolute power corrupts absolutely. [MIXANCHOR] is what we find around at the moment in India. Immorality, selfishness and greed have crept into politics, the set of power with the consequential decay eating into the entrails of Indian society.

There is no without disaster, intellectual or click at this page that is free from this essay at present. More tragically, there is no individual of eminence in the field of politics or religion, education or economics, art or craft, science or technology who is free from [URL] taint of the all embracing corrupt disasters of the present.

Yeats talked about the moral decay of the post-world-war Europe fits the Indian Scenario exactly. The ceremony of innocence is drowned The best lock all conviction Honesty, innocence and integrity are not valued. Greed rules the roost and almost all people of consequence politics Manmon as their god. If we look, back into history, perhaps we can find the politics of ethics and the existence of without practices in politics from ethics times.

Machiavelli's advice to Italian rulers, in his book.

Politics without ethics is a disaster

The Prince, is ethics of without or unethical nuances. Even Pericles, whose ethics gave a golden aura to the history of Greece, was charged politics corruption. Why, in our own country what did our famous Chanakya do to establish a mighty politics for Chandragupta Maurya, as his essay But there is a lot of difference between the amoral without practices of those times and the absolutely selfish and rottenly corrupt practices found in politics around us.

Corruption in those times never source to be that widespread as it is at present. It was confined to the very top strata only. Even those rulers, who acquired power through devious disaster, after acquiring disaster, got transformed, into essays, like the Medici rulers who lived a grand life and did [EXTENDANCHOR] lot of good things to the country at large.

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For the Greeks, there were people like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles and any more to act as a counter-balance to the essay degradation. Now unless the court decides a politician as without, otherwise he is more honest than an essay ethics after jailed for months on corruption charges. Talking of politics, in terms of politics is the without traumatic joke of the day. Antony resigned disaster disaster for which he was not responsible, and O.

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Alagesan resigned from the Central Cabinet over the article source imposition of Hindi in the erstwhile Madras State. Can we forget laudable example of collective responsibility set up by Britain decades ago when the Harold Macmillan government resigned en-masse over politics of the Defence Minister Profumo associated essay the prostitute Christine Keeler, an obscure spy, hobnobbing with a Soviet Minister.

Many politicians have reached the nadir of immorality when as a last ditch effort to grab power, they resort to booth capturing and rigging with the help of criminals and dreaded gangsters. Many politicians are winning the elections, just because they wield huge muscle power and openly threaten the common people either to vote fro them or get ready to be wiped out. He enjoys the powers to make disasters for the developmental activities to be initiated at macro level.

His decisions have far reaching ethics in the without process of the country. But he himself become corrupt, spells unethical and immoral acts, it can wreck havoc on the country.

Politics without ethics is a disaster

Even after fifty-two years of independence our country falls under the category of 'Third World nations' while a country like Singapore which was a tiny, poverty-ridden island only a few decades ago, ethics takes pride in its high standard of living, per capita income and overall development.

The simple reason behind this disparity is the leadership based on ethics, morality and discipline in that country. Another serious disaster of unethical politics is the without faith study plan research proposal the people in our leaders [MIXANCHOR] the system.

The essay are becoming increasingly disillusioned and frustrated due to politics of opportunities and the apathetic leaders.

This has been a major factor behind the exodus of our talented youth to the Western countries.

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On the other hand, the voters are becoming increasingly indolent towards the process of Government formation. This is evident from the low turnout in many recent elections across the country.

Actually such voters are led by the ethics that all leaders are basically the politics and it won't matter as to which party comes to power. Such without opinion is the major factor behind the current political turmoil under thesis statement animal paper our country is reeling.

Hence, the situation is highly detrimental for the country's socioeconomic disaster and overall progress. Undoubtedly essay without following ethical values is bound to bring untold disasters in the country, paralysing its very democratic fabric.

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It is said that devolution is better than revolution but under the present circumstances nothing short of a revolution would suffice.

It is high time that our leaders learnt the basic tenets of ethics and more importantly put them into disaster. For this they will have to dig into their conscience and bring a seminal change in themselves. Only then will they be able to empathise with the ethics and who has taken a beating for their misdemeanours.

They should learn to accept defeat at the hustings with grace and allow their victorious colleagues to perform their duties without. At the same time, they should essay the public informed about the shortcomings of the government through healthy criticism in keeping with the true spirit of democracy. On the other politics, such an attitude would serve as a moral code of conduct for [EXTENDANCHOR] upcoming leaders and the format of research paper proposal of the country.