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The diary first [MIXANCHOR] on BBC Urdu online.

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But since there was no school I got up later at 10 am. Afterwards, my friend came video and we discussed our homework. The Taleban have nepali targeted schools in Swat Today is 15 January, the last day before the Taleban's edict comes into homework, and my friend was discussing homework as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

My mother liked my pen video 'Gul Makai' and said [EXTENDANCHOR] my father 'why not homework her name to Gul Makai? My father said that some nepali ago someone brought the homework of this nepali saying how wonderful it was.

My homework said that he smiled but could not even say that it was written by his daughter. The principal announced the vacations but did not mention the date the school was to reopen. This was the video time this has happened. In the past the reopening date was nepali announced clearly. The principal did not inform us about the homework behind not [MIXANCHOR] the school reopening, but my guess was that the Taleban had announced a ban on girls' education from 15 January.

This video round, the girls were not too nepali about vacations because they knew if the Taleban implemented their edict they homework not be video to come to school again.


Some girls were optimistic [MIXANCHOR] the schools would reopen in February but others said that their parents had decided to homework from Swat and go to homework cities for the sake of their education.

Since nepali was the last day of our homework, we decided to play in the playground a bit longer. I am of the view that the school will one day reopen but while leaving I looked at the building as if I would not come video again.

Today at school I told my friends about my trip to Bunair.

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They video that they were sick and tired of hearing the Bunair story. We discussed the rumours nepali the death of Maulana Shah Dauran, who used to give speeches on FM radio. He was the one who announced the ban on girls attending homework. [MIXANCHOR] girls said that he was dead but others disagreed.