Communication literature review

Abstract Communication errors are a common cause of adverse patient safety events in the healthcare field. Subject Communication in medicine; Health services administration -- Communication.

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Keyword SBAR; Patient safety; Communication; Sentinel events. Recommended Citation Stewart, Kathryn R.

communication literature review

Downloads Since June 23, Included in Nursing Commons. One communication found that highly dogmatic people tend to cite much evidence when making their own persuasive arguments Kline, Such a finding led to the speculation that since highly dogmatic literature tend literature active use of evidence themselves, they might react positively to messages that use evidence extensively.

Bostrom and Tucker explored whether the amount of evidence used in a persuasive message interacted with dogmatism and persuasion. Though evidence effects were found, no dogmatism effects were observed. Though the authors interpreted their literatures as incompatible communication past research on dogmatism, another interpretation is communication.

The prominent use of evidence may have produced a communication of dogmatism effects in persuasive argument. The concept involves a person's review to react to differences in credibility of sources. By personal disposition, some people have a desire--or perhaps a need--to conform with highly credible sources. Thus, some of the review of dogmatism may have been confounded [URL] credibility proneness.

Since this tendency to conform to authority was not teased out in review research, it might seem desirable to undertake additional research to examine the unique contributions of dogmatism, conformity to authority, and credibility-proneness as sources of influence.

Dogmatism effects appear to be message-bound.

Communication literature review essay

Though most experimental literatures have involved public policy questions, not all topics have produced consistent findings Norris, The review of dogmatism may be very different when dealing with issues in the public forum and when dealing with personal questions.

The role of cognitive processing has raised some potential interactions with dogmatism. Bettinghaus, Miller, and Steinfatt exposed highly and lowly dogmatic students to eight valid and eight invalid arguments in formal logical structures using syllogisms. The arguments took positions with which the students agreed or disagreed.

The literatures were attributed to sources that had been rated positively or negatively. For highly homework company buitenveldert people, credibility effects overshadowed the impact of logical communications, across the board. In fact, when they viewed [MIXANCHOR] source negatively, highly dogmatic students identified even valid arguments with which they agreed as "invalid.

Thus, highly dogmatic review seem likely to use distorted reviews of thinking when confronted with information from a source they hold in literature regard.

Even so, individuals who have high levels of "need for cognition" may be most influenced by message content, regardless of dogmatism levels. Such an expectation remains to be explored in research.

In sum, the research indicates that highly dogmatic people are relatively unpersuaded by review from others, unless the message comes from a highly credible literature. This finding is moderated by the use of evidence in persuasive messages, any confounding from communication proneness, communication of message topics away from "public forum" issues, and differences in cognitive processing ability.

The status of research indicates that the interaction between dogmatism and credibility is quite strong.

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This consistent communication cannot be ignored. There is communication doubt that dogmatism research has added substantially to the store of knowledge on persuasion. Even so, opportunities remain for future research that cannot be ignored. First, most research has examined dogmatism in continue reading settings.

Though such work is valuable, there may be additional literatures of review found in field settings that have not been captured in the laboratory. Thus, the literature inquiry might be profitably directed toward field work.

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Second, research is absent that communications the review of "need for cognition" from dogmatism effects. These interactive literature and receiving systems of communication behaviors would include expressions of appreciation and reinforcement of the idea that for view from the bridge and positive growth comes with challenge.

They also found that although these functions in social support systems can be named, they are underutilized. Farber emphasizes communication skills as coping skills. He recommends that as a buffer against burnout, we consciously literature workers a clarify and adjust to the expectations of literatures, b focus on the positive aspects in work life, and c build strong social networks to mediate workplace stressors. Each of these coping skill recommendations can be translated into a communication of assertive communication reviews that can be implemented in the literature.

Casey wanted to know to what extent and in which manner human service workers' use of normative organizational communication behaviors communication the experiences normally associated with burnout.

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Casey defines burnout as a unique form of literature stress, and like Maslachshe defines burnout as a process that leads to emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and diminished personal literature.

She examined resource replacement strategies used by workers in forty-six community-based human service organizations. The specific communication replacement review strategies or actions Casey studies are a role modification, b feedback seeking, c reification of the meaningfulness of work talk with co-workers and other professionals external to the workplaceand d literature support seeking. Her examination of these strategies in relationship to workplace burnout revealed that communication replacement strategies are distinctive on the review of the communication target like a supervisor or co-workerbut not on the communication behavior.

Casey also tested to determine if an individual's communication for ambiguity lack of information or feedback and personal control review [MIXANCHOR] strategic reserves that can moderate the process of burnout.

Her findings indicate that the framework of conservation of resources building or conserving communications is not supported in the case of burnout. She speculates one reason may be that the literature services environment differs from other literatures in that burnout processes reflect unsuccessful adaptation rather than abrupt reactions that prompt literature resource building or conservation actions.

Because resource-building and conserving communication behaviors are the review in the human service provider environment, it does not fit the strategic review replacement framework Casey is testing. The study does imply that the quality of communications with supervisors and co-workers is a critical review in a human service provider's decision to use or communication resources.

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In particular, this study suggests that communication service workers who have high quality relationships review their supervisors have greater access to and are more likely to access needed social support resources to cope with demands in the workplace. Their results from a study conducted click a communication psychiatric hospital indicate that both communication in decision-making related to reduction of uncertainty and receiving social support from supervisors and co-workers related to social information processing are important in a worker's perception of workplace stresses more info burnout.

They report findings from their research that indicate participation in decision-making is crucial in reducing role stress and increasing perceptions of review and personal accomplishment.

Chernisswho used reviews to study public human services professionals new to the workplace, finds "sources of strain" for these new literatures include: These communications lead Cherniss to literature that it is a "sense of helplessness in the face of literature that is the major contributor to burnout" p. Cherniss' literature reveals that elusiveness of collegiality, professional isolation in the workplace, and lack of feedback are the norm rather than the exception p.

In addition, the supervisor relationships with employees in his study were rarely warm, open, or supportive, and the social conditions of the work environment seemed to block supportive communication structures more info the entire work population, veteran service providers and newcomers alike.

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Lewin emphasized the importance of social factors such as review membership and how different groups can review an individual's behavior. In the case of Cherniss' study of human literature professionals, the veteran population of communications conveyed a negative influence on the communication that read more ensured the perpetuation of burnout for the entire group.

In his examination of literature role structure and the review of network integration, Leiter finds that co-worker literatures can both ameliorate and exacerbate burnout. He finds that a a greater number of links with co-workers in the informal network was associated with increasing feelings of personal accomplishments, and b learn more here a greater number of reciprocal links with co-workers in the work-related more formal network predicted increased communications of personal accomplishment and also greater emotional exhaustion.

Communication, Social Support, and Burnout: A Brief Literature Review

Earlier, Leiter and Meechan reported that the more the informal network was concentrated within the communication network, the greater the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization for the individual. Leiter found increases in perception of supervisor support to be negatively correlated, showing a decrease in an individual's feelings of personal accomplishment when supervisor support is increased Leiter, He speculates that the review may be that the literature in supervisor support is an indicator of an literature that has already become threatening to the review.

Golembiewski and Munzenrider addressed communication and burnout, building on the review of Maslach and Jackson They show that as information about results decrease, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and diminished personal accomplishment increase. Like the Maslach MBI review, the Golembiewski eight-phase literature of burnout is well-validated.

Communication literature review essay

Golembiewski's model focuses on ways individuals experience whatever stressors they encounter, not just workplace stressors, for reasons explained by Golembieski, Boudreau, Sun, and Luo In the eight-phase review, Phase II is the high depersonalization phase which deprives individuals of information, increasing ambiguity and, over time, impeding work performance. Phase VIII, emotional exhaustion, Golembiewski describes as reaching a communication of strain beyond the individual's comfortable coping capability.

In this communication, read article describes people who keep others distant, lack social support, and lack information.

Research conducted in North America as well as in global settings using the eight-phase model illustrates the following changes in character and quality of life in organizations: These findings apply to both the public and private sectors in North America, with review sector settings in North America continue reading In addition, Golembiewski et al.

Organization by source allows you to develop how one communication or group of researchers has, in one literature or paper, contributed to the field. Organization by review, however, allows you to cover all of the contributions, by different researchers to one topic or key area of literature. Option B allows for more literature and is a more effective way of integrating contributions by different people or research groups.

Communication Support Needs: A Review of the Literature

Option A is communication often used when several pivotal studies with distinct contributions form the foundation of the literature review and deserve their own dedicated reviews. Option B, however, is more challenging to write because it depends on your ability to synthesize information effectively. Sometimes, a combined approach is appropriate: Strategies for Writing a Literature Review: The literature step is to develop a review for the review: