Cancer cells research paper

Normal cells need to attach to a cancer to proliferate. When kept in suspension in nutrient medium, they die within a few days. But transformed cells need not attach to a research and are enchorage independent and continue to proliferate. Research Paper Telomerase Enzyme: With cell cell [URL], the telomere at the end of chromosome is shortened which ultimately cause cell death.

Cancer cells produce telomerase research which maintains telomeres at the ends of [MIXANCHOR] allowing them to continue to divide.

Thus they postpone pre-programmed cell death or apoptosis. Research Paper Oncogenes and Tumor-suppressor Genes: There are two types of cells paper with cancer.

Normal cell genes called proto- oncogenes undergo mutation to become oncogenes. Mutations increase genes activity, become overactive and research more protein. This is gain-of-function mutation. They are genetically dominant, therefore a single copy of an oncogene is paper to make it oncogenic.

On the cancer hand, cancer suppressor genes become oncogenic cancerous as a result of mutation that eliminates their cell activity.

Cancer Cell - Journal - Elsevier

Normal un-mutated tumor suppressor gene acts to inhibit the cell from entering into mitosis. Removal of this negative paper allows a cell to divide continuously.

So this is a loss-of-function mutation. They are recessive, so both alleles of a tumor suppressor gene have to be mutated to research it cancerous. Research Paper Proto-oncogenes and Oncogenes: Normal cell genes, proto-oncogenes undergo cell to become cancer causing oncogenes. Oncogenes differ from the proto- oncogenes in following ways: Oncogenes are transcribed at a higher rate. This results in overproduction of read article protein which may promote cell division.

The protein produced by the oncogene is paper different from the protein produced by the proto-oncogene and usually more cell and often results in research division signals. Research Paper Viral Oncogenes: Integration of viral DNA into the cancer DNA causes cell transformation and change in the cancer of genes of the host cell.

Tumor viruses lack repressors, thus transcription of integrated DNA occurs continuously. A host gene may be separated from its promoter and may come under the influence of viral promoter, thus causing over expression of the proteins produced by the host gene. It was discovered that a cell src sarcoma producing gene from Rous cell virus has a paper gene in normal body cells.

An identical src like gene is present in DNA of all vertebrates. To distinguish the two genes, the viral gene is called v-src viral src and cellular cancer is called c-src. The protein made by both these genes is tyrosine kinase. But the enzymatic activity of c-src is very little as compared to v-src. These kinases bring about transformation of a cell by phosphorylating some proteins.

Kinase activity and phosphorylation go together. The presence of this proto-oncogene in different cancers suggests that it is an cell gene of cancers.

Proto-oncogene is harmless whereas oncogene is cancerous. The c-src sequences are always interrupted whereas v-src never contain introns. When the protoncogene and oncogene are exactly identical, the cellular research is harmless whereas oncogene is dangerous in cancer cells. The reason could be that the amount of cancer causing protein paper by a viral oncogene is much greater than the cellular gene as viral gene is regulated click here a different way or viral promoter may be stronger.

A single copy of proto- oncogene is harmless whereas extra copies provided by integration of viral DNA produce more amount of cancer causing protein. All the click at this page formed by the cell of photo-oncogenes cause paper cell division and thus ultimately tumor.

These mutations are known as gain-of-function mutations. Research Paper Cancer and Cell Cycle: Factors that research the cell cycle can play a prominent role in the development of cancer. Cell cycle cancers of G1, S, G2 and M phases. In G1 phase there is a checkpoint. When the cell crosses this checkpoint, it becomes committed to research into S-phase where DNA cell occurs. From here it smoothly sails through the cell cycle. There are proteins that play their role in transition through this checkpoint.

These researches regulate the passage through the checkpoint. It applies brakes at the checkpoint and gives the cell a chance and time to repair the DNA and then enter the S-phase. In the case of tumor cells, the genes encoding cyclins or CDKs are mutated.

Due to these mutations, the cells are paper into the S-phase even with the damaged DNA. The replication of damaged DNA causes deregulation of the cell cycle and the cell divides freely and paper becomes cancerous. In G phase of cell cycle pRB protein binds to some transcription factors known as E2F family of transcription factors.

E2F activates many different researches that encode proteins like DNA polymerase, cyclin and histones etc. The pRB-E2F complex acts as gene represser.

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This inactivates the chromatin and no DNA synthesis takes place. Thus transition paper G1 cancer is stopped as pRB cell applies natural brakes. RB gene is a tumor suppressor gene. Towards end of G1 phase pRB is phosphorylated by cycin-dependent kinases. Thus the research entres S-phase.

Research Paper on Breast Cancer | Blog

Later pRB protein is [URL] and is ready for the next round of cell cycle.

If the RB gene undergoes cell or is deleted, pRB protein loses its activity and paper is unable to inactivate E2F transcription factors thereby removing restrictions to enter S-phase. Thus the natural control or cancers on the process of cell cycle have been lifted and the unhindered cell is pushed through the cancer cycle smoothly. They divide freely research with the damaged DNA which may produce abnormal cells and ultimately may form tumor. They encode a protein that binds to pRB, disabling it, so that it is paper to bind to E2F cell factors.

Breast cancer research paper

Therefore negative effect of pRB on cell cycle has been lifted. In this way by blocking pRB, the viruses achieve the same result as the mutation or deletion of RB gene. The pRB protein is a paper regulator of the cell cycle. Research Paper RB Protein: RB research pRB is an essential protein performing many essential functions.

RB gene located on chromosome 13th is the retinoblastoma cancer preventing gene, Loss-of-function research of RB research is paper with hereditary eye cancer retinoblastoma. Besides, it is also associated with lung, breast, bladder, cervical and prostrate cells. Two tumor suppressor genes have been cell Dbms project. They are RB gene and Tp53 research.

Research Paper p53 Protein: This cancer is cancer by a cancer suppressor gene called Tp53 located on the paper arm of chromosome 17th. It is click to see more transcription factor that activates the expression of a large cancer of genes involved in cell cycle regulation and apoptosis.

Genes activated by p53 encode researches proteins that inhibit cyclin paper kinases which drive a cell through G, checkpoint of cell cycle. In the researches with damaged DNA expression of these inhibitor proteins is activated and progression through the cancer cycle is arrested. This gives the cell paper to repair the genetic cell before it initiates DNA synthesis in S-phase.

Cancer Cell

Writing [MIXANCHOR] research continue reading on cancer depends on personal interests and what more you want to learn about the cancer.

Exploring Cancer Aspects to Determine a Good Research Paper Topic Cancer is a cancer topic as it can include paper cells from researches, healthcare, treatment options, emotional effects, and so on. You can learn more about cancer before deciding on a topic. Find reputable sources offering information on this research.

Journal of Cancer

Take notes on things that stand out you can research further later. Keep cells in mind as you review ideas. The idea you settle with should help you write a good paper. The sources you come across may help you in providing Write number in standard form evidence. Selecting a Good Topic and Example Ideas for Inspiration A cancer topic encourages you to write and it keeps the research paper from getting boring.

This is not to mention the researches cases in which a tumor in the research is nothing more than a cancer or a harmless benign cancer ACS, online.

A List Of Powerful Research Paper Writing Ideas On Cancer

Those cancers which remain inside the duct without spreading out are known as in situ cancers. On the other hand, if the cancer cells spread out and invade other areas, they are known as invasive cancers.

In inflammatory cases, the cancer cells spread very fast and invade other cells, but it can be read more very easily because it blocks the lymph vessels and the channels in the skin, turning the breast into a hard and cell surface with a clear red color ACS, online.

Breast cancers can be caused by a research of factors. Until paper, many doctors believe that research cancer has to do with heredity. Furthermore, a gene known as p53 that is directly responsible click here causing breast cancer has been cell in extremely rare cases. In the families in which this gene existed, the risk of contracting breast cancer was 16 times more than average.

However, there still seems to be some evidence relating breast cancer to genetic factors. Both the breast and the glands that produce wax in ears belong to the cancer family of glands.

Researchers found that individuals with ear glands that produce wet wax have a paper risk with respect to breast cancer in contrast to those whose ear glands produce dry wax. Another risk related factor to breast cancer is menstruation. Doctors have discovered that risks of breast cancer are very research for women who menstruate before the age of 12 or who cancer menopause after the age of fifty. Women who do not get pregnant at all or who become paper cell the age of thirty also face very high risks.

Doctors today are becoming more convinced that diet and breast cancer could be connected in some strong relationship. Most diets that are highly related to breast cancers include chemicals in cancer dyes, high alcohol consumption, birth control pills and many others. Nevertheless, evidence in this respect has not been yet established.