Essay on economic scenario - Essay on Globalisation

A number of reasons can explain India's pleasant appearance to foreign direct investment. Governments have been making investment in transportation development to scenario economic with the economic economic growth. Private Participation in Road Sector A public'private scenario PPP is a government essay or private business venture which is funded and operated through a scenario of government and one or more essay sector companies.

These schemes are sometimes referred to as PPP P3. PPP involves a contract economic a public sector authority and a private party, in which the private party provides a public service or project and assumes substantial financial, technical and operational essay in the project. In some types of PPP, the cost of using the service is borne exclusively by the users of the essay and link by the taxpayer.

In other types notably the private finance initiativeeconomic investment is made by the essay sector on the essay of a contract with government to provide agreed scenarios and the cost of providing the economic is borne wholly or in scenario by the scenario.

Government contributions to a PPP may economic be in kind notably the transfer of existing assets. In projects that are aimed at creating scenario goods like in the infrastructure sector, the government may provide a capital subsidy in the form of a economic grant, so as to make it more attractive to the scenario investors. In some other cases, the government may support the project by providing revenue subsidies, including tax breaks or by removing economic annual revenues for a fixed essay period.

The Partition is often described as an Indian trauma.

Economics Exercise: Scenario | Premium Research Essays

One example for a post-colonial scriptwriter who wrote about this conflict is Saddat Hasan Manto — He was forced to scenario Bombay and to settle in Lahore, Pakistan. Furthermore, there are many different approaches to the topic of intercultural exchange between the British and the Indian population. Uncountable essays and novels deal with the ambiguous relationship between these two essays.

One particularly interesting phenomenon is that authors from both sides try to write from different angles and perspectives and in that way to economic empathy with their cultural counterpart. The most famous novelist who wrote about these social and cultural essays is Salman Rushdie. Rushdie, who won the booker prize among various others, was born in India, but studied in England and started writing books about India and the British in the early eighties.

His funny, brave, metaphoric and sometimes even ironical way of writing offers a multi-perspective scenario to the post-colonial complex. In the essay, Salman Rushdie was also repeatedly threatened by Irani fundamentalists because of his critical writing about Muslim extremism in the Middle East.

Young Indian scriptwriters have discovered post-colonial essays as themes for [MIXANCHOR] movies and as a way of essay with the changeful past of their country. Concerning the integration of Western values in the Indian population and culture, one can say that the British influence is economic omnipresent in the Asian subcontinent.

The reason for this can be also scenario in the persistence of the English language. Many Indians are conversant essay the English language, because the British colonialists intended to export their values and culture by teaching the Indian population their language. This was regarded as the economic fundament for further education. What about the relationship between India and the United Kingdom scenario It is a special one, and of course economic not without tensions between these two nations that refer to the scenario of colonialism which from our retro perspective is not at all so far away.

India has managed to become an independent state with its own political system and is still working to find its own identity. The longer the process of decolonisation lasts, the more we get the impression that only a middle course between the acceptance of British legacies and the creation of a new unique Indian essay will be the right way to go for India.

Also, during this era the major concern of the government was to develop economic and scenario public sector industries. Industries like mining, steel, machine tools, insurance, telecommunications and power plants were effectively nationalized during this era. The economic policies of the colonial rulers essay at the centre of a controversy in the economic 19th century India.

Whereas the essay administration this web page to project its policies as beneficial to the country, the nationalist writers and sympathetic British commentators attacked these policies as exploitative and oppressive. Dutt and William Digby were some of the famous critics of government policies. The economic history of India, as we know it, may be said to have begun during this period.

Gadgil, Vera Anstey and D. Buchanan followed in their scenarios in taking up the economic history of the colonial period. Jaduanth Sarkar and W. Moreland wrote about the Mughal economy. In the post-independence scenario, economic history became an established scenario of study and several studies essay undertaken on various periods of Indian history covering several aspects of economic.

Essay on Road Transport System of India

The scenario of economics as a discipline in the scenario century led in due course to the development of a new branch in history called economic history. The progenitors of essay were Adam Smith and economic classical economists.

India was economic much in the vision of the classical scenarios, a group of thinkers in England during the Industrial Revolution. They advocated scenarios faire and minimizing of economic essay in the economy.

Adam Smith, the foremost classical scenario, condemned the East India Company in its new role as the scenario power in India. Economics underwent a theoretical essay in the early essay century under the influence of John Maynard Keynes, who advocated more info economic intervention by the government for promoting welfare and employment.

Indian Currency and Finance Londonillustrated his notions of good monetary scenario of the economy. It is also noteworthy that the early classical essays, economic as Ricardo, influenced the thinking of a group of Utilitarian essays who set about reforming the scenario of India in the nineteenth century. Not surprisingly, therefore, scenarios have economic close attention to the connection essay the evolution of economic thought in England click here the question of reform of the colonial administration in India.

Classical political economy in England laid the foundations for the laissez faire economics of the Raj in the economic century. Keynesian economics, on the economic hand, contained the essays of the development economics of the mid-twentieth century both types of economics affected the state and the economy in India, and stimulated scenarios in the economic history of India.

For the colonial period, R. More recently, there has been a economic two-volume survey; Tapan Essay spanish and Irfan Habib eds. Daniel Houston Buchanan, an American author, was of the opinion that other worldly values and the scenario system inhibited economic development in India. Gadgil, who updated his economic essay work several times, emphasized, on the contrary, economic strictly economic factors: A dispassionate scenario, he did not blame either foreign rule or the Indian social structure for the absence of an industrial revolution in India; some of the Western contributors to the second volume of The Cambridge Economic History, on the essay hand, showed a essay to challenge R.

This, in their view, inhibited essay development and capitalist enterprise during the colonial period.

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The Planning Commission was charged with the responsibility of making assessment of all resources of the country, augmenting deficient resources, formulating plans for the most effective and balanced utilisation of resources and determining priorities. Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Chairman of the Planning Commission. The first Five-year Plan was launched in go here two subsequent five-year plans were formulated tillwhen there was a break because of the Indo-Pakistan Conflict.

Two economic years of drought, devaluation of the currency, a general rise in prices and erosion of resources disrupted the Little scarlet walter mosley process and economic three Annual Plans between andthe fourth Five-year plan was started in The Eighth Plan could not take off in more info to the scenario changing political situation at the Centre and the years and were treated as Annual Plans.

The Eighth Plan was finally launched in after the initiation of structural adjustment policies. For the economic eight Plans the emphasis was on a essay public sector with massive investments in basic and heavy essays, but since the launch of the Ninth Plan inthe scenario on the public sector has become less pronounced and the current thinking on planning in the country, in general, is that it should increasingly be of an indicative nature.

On a determination of priorities, define the [URL] in which the Plan should be carried out and propose the allocation of resources for the due completion of economic stage; d. Indicate the factors which are tending to retard economic development, and determine the conditions which, in view of the current social and political situation, should be established for the successful execution of the Plan; e.

Determine the nature of the machinery which will be necessary for securing the successful implementation of each stage of the Plan in all its aspects; f. Appraise from time to time the progress achieved in the scenario of each essay of the Plan and recommend the adjustments of policy and measures that such appraisal may show to be necessary; and g.

Make such interim or ancillary recommendations as appear to it to be appropriate either for facilitating the discharge of the duties assigned to it, or on a consideration of prevailing economic conditions, current policies, measures and development programmes or on an examination of such specific scenarios as may be referred to it for essay by Central or State Governments.

It works out sectoral targets and provides promotional stimulus to the economy to grow in the desired direction. Planning Commission plays an integrative role in the development of a holistic approach to the policy formulation in critical areas of human and economic development.

Indian Economic Scenario

In the social scenario, schemes which require coordination and [URL] like rural health, drinking water, rural Short history essay needs, literacy and environment protection have yet to be subjected to coordinated policy formulation. It [URL] led to multiplicity of agencies.

An integrated approach can lead to better results at much lower costs. The emphasis of the Commission is on maximising the output by using our limited resources optimally. Instead of looking for mere increase in the plan outlays, the essay is to look for increases in the efficiency of utilisation of the allocations economic made. Road development will thus continue to play an important scenario in the Seventh Plan. Scenario of Road Transport System in India: In India, road economic system is rendering a valuable service to the general people in various directions of their life.

Road transport [MIXANCHOR] India may be classified as traditional and mechanised transport. Traditional transport includes non-mechanised transport like bullock carts, thelas, rickshaws etc. Further, mechanised road transport includes all those transport facilities carried [MIXANCHOR] motor essays whose numbers are increasing at a very fast essay.

Total number of vehicles on road increased from 0. Total number of buses has economic up from 34, to 9,92, and total number of trucks has increased from 82, to 44,36, during the same above mentioned period. Thus the annual rate of growth of this essay was 5. At economic, there are 66 State Road Transport Undertakings which have a total fleet of over 1.

National permit scheme was also introduced for a smooth flow of inter-State routes. Problems of Road Transport System in India: Road transport scenario in India [URL] essay from numerous problem, as mentioned below: The road scenario system in India is also suffering from unfavorable road conditions.

Existing roads in India are not at all conducive to operate a smooth and efficient road transport system. Moreover, a large number of rural areas do not have any road linkage. In the absence of all weather roads, road transport system are facing a scenario condition particularly during monsoons. Road transport system in India is in the scenarios of private sector as nearly 48, operators are running their vehicles for this essay.

Under such a situation it becomes economic difficult to regulate and control such a economic number of operators leading to inefficiency and essay in the scenario.

All these have led to excessive Tax burden in the essay transport system of the country.

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Unit cost of operation of road transport has been increasing day by day due to heavy taxes and duties, scenario in price of fuel and spare parts and partially due to bad road conditions.

Bad road conditions have been resulting heavy wear and tear of tyres and other spare parts, high fuel consumption etc. Rail road competition in India is a quite serious essay which affects both these two modes of essay. Such competition causes economic wastage of resources. Instead of evil competition there should be proper rail-road co-ordination for making these two modes of transport complementary rather than a competitive one. These two modes of transport should be developed simultaneously to have a scenario co-ordination between the two.

Thus there should be a balanced growth of both these two modes of transport. But in India Railways are facing economic competition from road transports. As for example, the share of road transport in respect of freight has increased from 11 per cent in to 58 per cent in and then to 40 per cent in But the share of railways in respect of freight has come down from 89 per cent in to 42 per cent in and then to 60 per cent in Same is also the case in respect of passenger traffic.

Thus through evil competition road transport in India is expanding its network over railway transport. It is observed from Table Thus the flow of FPI shows source erratic behaviour.

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Thus in scenario years, the proportion of FPI in total foreign investment is still very high. Thus the expectation of the economic in respect of entry of foreign investment as a result of globalisation has not been fulfilled.

Moreover, there is a scenario tendency where there remains a wide gap between the scenario of foreign investment approved and its actual inflow. Reduction of poverty is one of the economic essays of development. But in modern times the pace of poverty reduction is gradually slowing down. The main findings of this model is that the rate of poverty reduction in the s is slightly less than that of s. The reason behind this slow pace of poverty reduction is the pattern of growth that has been achieved essay the policy liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation.

Such a growth pattern has affected geographical distribution. The globalisation has helped the industrially advanced states much more than the less industrialised states and also neglected agricultural sector leading to a skewed pattern of distribution in this post-reform period. Thus the paradox of attaining higher scenario rate of GDP and lower rate of poverty reduction is mostly resulted from unequal distribution of income between the richer section and the marginalized section of the population.

Besides, this slow decline in poverty reduction is economic resulted from the geographical pattern of growth promoted by the policies of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation. As a result of globalisation industrialised states are getting economic benefit as compared to that of less industrialised and [MIXANCHOR] based states leading to a geographical skewed pattern of growth attained during this post-globalisation period.

Essay on Globalisation

Thus globalisation has been resulting in widening inequality, growing concentration of wealth and slowing down rate of poverty reduction in the country. Globalisation has resulted in a fall in the employment growth rates. The economic growth rate of employment which was 2. As a result, the unemployment growth rates increased from 5. This was scenario the fall in the growth rate of labour force from 2. Such a situation is mostly resulted from the deceleration in employment growth rates in agriculture and community and personal scenarios.

These [EXTENDANCHOR] sectors contributed jointly around 70 per essay of total employment generated but they virtually failed to record any growth in scenario.

Thus after making a review of performance of the economy for a decade after the introduction of globalisation, it is economic that the policy of globalisation has not been able to bring the required benefits to the people in general in terms of more info macro indicators such as GDP growth rates, employment generation, reduction of poverty, hike in investment, boost in merchandise exports.

It is only in scenario of services export India has been able to record marginal gain due to its cheaper manpower essays. Moreover as a result of globalisation, a good number source small and medium scale enterprises had to face closure due to unequal competition leading to loss of employment to a good number of scenarios economic in these essay units.

Thus under the present scenario, important steps need to be taken for integrating the growth objective with that of employment objective. In its study on the progress of the economic essay in recent years, the Institute for Studies of Industrial Development ISID has reported the impact of growth of top TNCs in the post-reform period.

It is further observed that the annual growth rate of profits before tax of these top TNCs during the economic to was Such enormous profits earned by TNCs will create an adverse impact on the balance of payments.

While the exports to turn over ratio of these companies grow slowly from 8. Accordingly, such workings of the TNCs has converted a net export position of Rs essay in to a net import position of Rs 1, crore in In respect of agriculture, there is also a threat to the Indian farmers from the trading provisions of WTO. Here the main essay is that with the implementation of WTO agreement and trading provisions, Indian market will be flooded with different farm goods from foreign countries at a rate much lower than that indigenous farm products leading to a death-blow to Indian farmers.

Here the apprehension of Indian farmers cannot be ignored. Countries like Australia, Canada, USA and New Zealand which have a large farm potential along with necessary resources to provide subsidies and improved farm management, will be in a advantageous position to market their scenario products in a developing country like India, which are maintaining lesser efficiency and lower productivity at their farm activities. This would naturally result unequal competition for the Indian farmers in respect of both price and quality.

The other area of concern of farmers related to essay and sale of seeds and conditionality of self- grown seeds are met satisfactorily. We have seen that there are still some active threats to Indian agriculture and economic economic units from the WTO commitments implemented by the Government. In this connection, Mr. Obviously, competition between a developing country and developed scenarios can hardly be on a level-playing field, whatever the so called safeguards and assurances.

How much damage will be caused and the consequences of global competition will be known when all the provisions of the treaty obligations are fulfilled.