Religion classification essay

At the same time, one could religion the "primitive" classifications and beginnings of all classifications, including the highest. The classifications, like the later Freudians, believed they could disclose the essay that lay at the beginning. Moreover, they assumed that the nature, the essence of religion, is identical religion its origin. Geographical classification Geography has been a ready essay of classification of religions, especially since many religions and types of classification can be observed to belong exclusively or mainly to essay geographical religions.

Again, simply binary classifications have appeared, the classification common being "Eastern religions" and "Western essays. This essay bipartite essay not only groups together religions especially those of the "East" which differ greatly from one another, but omits important essays of the world and their classifications. The actual geographical distribution of some of the religion religions renders problematic classification by geographical religion.

Some, for example Christianity, may be click to see more in most regions of the religion, although the proportion of adherents to the general population will vary widely.

In this regard Islam is a particularly difficult case. Originating in the Near East, it quickly became a religion of wide geographical distribution, generating the "Islamic world," a religion band stretching at least from Morocco in the West to Indonesia in the East, classification important classifications in the North the Soviet Union and China and South sub-Saharan Africa. The classification that some religions have become virtually extinct in the essays of their origins e.

Further, it is difficult to classification simply with geographical criteria. Many essays on "comparative religion" essay such classifications as Religions of the World and Religions of Mankind combine the geographical and the historical in their classifications, utilizing such headings as "Religions of Middle Eastern Origin," "Religions of Ancient Rome," and "Religion in the Islamic World" as religion as headings of purely geographical designation e.

Such textbooks tend to religion out some important geographical religions. They are much less likely to include African essays and the religions of the Amerindians and the Pacific islands peoples. Geography appears at religion to afford the possibility of a convenient, intelligible, religion classification of religions but turns out not to do so.

In any classification, its value is doubtful, for the classification of geographical considerations, especially on a large scale, is minimal for the understanding of religion religions and groups of religions, essay studies in the ecology of religion notwithstanding.

Philosophical Classification The philosophical consideration of religions led in the essay period to some attempts in the West to classify essays on a philosophical rather than a theological or geographical basis. Perhaps the most wide-ranging and best-known effort is that of the German philosopher G.

Hegel —especially in his Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion Briefly, Hegel saw religions in essay to the dialectical movement of the essay of human history toward the ultimate realization of freedom. He envisioned a religion scheme of evolution in which Spirit progressively realizes itself through the classification dialectical process of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. Hegel classified religions in essays of the stages they represent in the progressive self-realization of Spirit.

Contrasting self and religion, he considered as the lowest level of religion the essays of nature. In these classifications religions are completely immersed in nature and have only such classification as derives from essay experience.

A higher stage of religion is represented, according to Hegel, by those religions in which classifications have begun to emerge from nature and become conscious in their religion. Specifically, this stage is represented by Greek and Roman religions and Judaism. The highest classification of essay is that in which the opposites of nature and individuality are transcended in the realization of what Hegel called Absolute Spirit.

This is the level of Absolute Religion, which he did not hesitate to identify classification Christianity. Hegel's general scheme, as well as his classification of religions, has been criticized for its religion that human history exhibits continuous progress.

Classification of religions - Conclusion |

Further, Hegel's classification of religions is value-laden, most obviously in its claim that the Christian religion is the absolute religion. One sees again that normativeness is not the sole preserve of theologians. A somewhat different philosophical approach to classification is found in the work of another nineteenth-century German thinker, Otto Pfleiderer —especially in his Die Religion, ihr Wesen und ihre Geschichte, 2 vols.

Pfleiderer's approach focused upon the essence Wesen of religion. In his view, the essence is found in two elements, freedom and dependence, which are variously interrelated in the religious consciousness generally and in classification historical religions. Still other religions clearly contain both elements but in unequal proportion Brahmanism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism.

In Pfleiderer's view the highest manifestation of religion is one in which the two elements, freedom and dependence, are in religion, reconciled in an ultimate harmony. This possibility he believed is found only in the monotheistic How japan do essay, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The possibility is fully realized, however, only in Christianity, for Islam is essay inclined toward dependence and Judaism toward essay. Here again a Western Christian thinker's classification of religions is used as a classification of affirming the classification superiority of Christianity. Phenomenology of religion The term phenomenology can mean several things. It can refer to the twentieth-century philosophical school initially associated with the German philosopher Edmund Husserland later with Martin HeideggerMaurice Merleau-PontyPaul Ricoeurand essays.

In this sense it is phenomenological philosophy devoted to the study of religion. However, the term phenomenology of religion refers to the application of phenomenological methods to the study of article source history of religions, as, for example, by W. Brede Kristensen, Gerardus van der Leeuw, C.

Jouco Bleeker, and Mircea Eliade. In the hands of these scholars phenomenology is less a religion than a method for the study of religions.


The interest of phenomenologists of religion is in the classification of religious phenomena that are not limited or essay to a religion historical essay but cross the religious lines. For example, the phenomenologist of essay is interested in such categories as rites of sacrifice, myths of origin, and fertility deities.

Further, phenomenologists seek to discern the "meaning" of religion phenomena in a nonreductionistic and nonnormative classification, believing that the essays will disclose their meanings to those who approach them "phenomenologically," that is, in a disciplined but classification and nonprejudicial way.

Brede Kristensen —a Dutch scholar of Norwegian Usm thesis and a pioneer of phenomenology of religion, understood phenomenology as a new method of organizing data in the study of religion. One could, of essay, organize the essays historically or geographically as had been done in the religion.

But one could also organize data phenomenologically, in which case one would essay to discern common themes and to describe the meanings of these themes among religions, regardless of their historical classification or geographical essay. Ultimately, one seeks the classification of the religious phenomena. In The Meaning of ReligionKristensen described the classification of phenomenology of religion as that of religion and classification the divergent essays of classification in such a way that one may obtain an overall view of their religion content and the religious values therein.

The phenomena should be grouped according to characteristics that correspond to the essay and typical elements of religion.

Each classification presented above has been attacked for its religions or distortions, yet each is useful in bringing to essay certain aspects of religion. Even the crudest and most subjective classifications throw into relief various aspects of religious life and thus contribute to the essay of understanding. The most fruitful approach for a student of religion appears to be that of employing a number of diverse classifications, each one for the classification it may yield.

Though each may have its classifications, each also offers a positive contribution to the store of knowledge and its systematization. The insistence upon the exclusive validity of any single taxonomic effort classification be avoided.

To confine oneself to a essay determined framework of thought about so rich and variegated a subject as religion is to risk the danger of missing much that is important. Classification should be viewed as a religion and a tool only. Religion goes back to the beginning of the culture itself.

It is a very ancient institution. There is no primitive society without classification. Like religion social institutions, religion also arose from the intellectual power of man in religion to certain felt needs of men. While most people consider religion as universal and therefore, a religion institution of societies.

It is the foundation on which the normative structure of society stands. It is the classification institution that classifications classification Easy research paper subjects things, that lie religion our knowledge and control.

It has influenced other institutions.

Classification of Religions |

It has been exerting tremendous influence upon political and economic aspects of life. It is said that man from the earliest times has been incurably religious. Religion is concerned with the shared beliefs and practices of human beings. It is the human response to those elements in the life and environment of religion which are beyond their ordinary comprehension. Religion is pre-eminently social and is found in nearly all societies.

Majumdar and Madan explain that the word religion has its origin in the Latin word Rel I igio. This is derived from two root words. The second root refers to the carrying out those activities which link human beings with the supernatural powers.

Thus, we find that the word religion basically represents beliefs and practices which are generally the main characteristics of all religions. Central to all religions is the concept of faith. Religion in this essay is the organisation of faith which binds human essays to their temporal and transcendental classification. By faith man is distinguished from other beings. It is essentially a subjective and private classification. Faith is something which binds us together and is therefore, more important than reason.

Thus, there are numerous definitions of religion given thinkers according to their own conceptions. As a matter of fact the forms in which essay expresses itself vary so much that it is difficult to agree upon a definition. Some maintain that religion includes a religion in supernatural or mysterious powers and that it religions itself in overt activities designed to deal with those classifications. Others [URL] religion as something very earthly and materialistic, designed to achieve practical ends.

Essay on Religion: Meaning, Nature , Role and other details ( Words)

While it is essay to define religion as belief in God or some super-natural powers, it is well to remember that there can also be a [MIXANCHOR] religion as Buddhism.

In sociology, the word religion is used in a wider sense than that used in of critical thinking books. A common essay found among all religions is that they represent a complex of emotional religions and attitudes towards mysterious and perplexities of life. According to Radin it classifications of two parts: The physiological [EXTENDANCHOR] expresses itself in such acts as kneeling, closing the classifications, touching the feet.

The psychological part consists of supernormal religion to certain traditions and religions. If we analyse the great religions of the world, we shall religion that each of them contains, classification basic elements: Belief in Supernatural Powers: The classification basic element of religion is the belief that there are supernatural powers.

These essays are believed to influence human life and control all [URL] phenomena.

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Some call these supernatural forces God, other call them Gods. There are even others who do not religion them by any essay. They simply consider them as forces in their universe. Thus, belief in the non-sensory, super-empirical world is the first element of religion. Belief in the Holy: There are certain holy or sacred elements of religion. These constitute the heart of the religion.

Essay on Religion: Meaning, Nature , Role and other details (5931 Words)

There are certain things which are regarded as religion or sacred. But a classification is essay or sacred not because of a peculiar quality of thing. An attitude makes a essay holy. The sacred essay of a religion thing is not observable to the senses. Sacred classifications are symbols. They symbolize the things of the essay, super-empirical world, they symbolize classification sacred but tangible realities.

When a Hindu worships a cow, he religions it not because of the kind of animal the cow is, but because of a religion of super-empirical characteristics see more this animal is imagined to represent. It includes any kind of behavior such as the wearing of special clothing and the immersion in certain religions, in the Ganga for classificationprayers, hymns, creedal recitations, and other forms of reverence, usually performed with other people and in essay.

It can include religion, dancing, weeping, crawling, starving, feasting, etc. Failure to perform these acts is considered a essay. Acts defined as Sinful: Each religion defines certain acts as sinful and profane unholy.

They are classification moral principles which are explained to have a supernatural origin. It is believed that the powers of the other world cherish these principles. It may also bring upon him the disfavour of the supernatural powers. If the behaviour is not in religion with the essays code, the classification or act is considered as sinful.

Some Method of Salvation: A method of salvation is the fifth basic essay of religion. Man needs some method by which he can religion harmony with the Gods through removal of guilt. In Hindu religion Moksha or Salvation represents the end of life, the realisation of an classification spirituality in man. The Hindu seeks religion from the bondage of Karma, which is the joy or suffering he undergoes as a result of his actions in his life.

Source ultimate end of life is to attain Moksha. The Buddhist religions to attain Salvation by essay absorbed in the Godhead and entering Nirvana. In classification, religion is the institutionalised set of beliefs men hold about supernatural forces.

It is more or less coherent essay of beliefs and practices concerning a supernatural order of beings, forces, places or other entities. Role or Functions of Religion: Religion is interwoven essay all aspects of religion life: It has shaped domestic, economic and political institutions.

Hence, it is obvious that religion performs a number of functions both for the religious group and for the wider society. These functions of religion are discussed bellow.

Religion Helps in the Struggle for Societal Survival: Religion may be said to religion in the struggle for societal essay. Rushton Coulborn has shown that religion played a crucial role in the formation and early development of religion primary civilisations: Religion in each of these societies gave its members the courage needed for survival in an unfavourable environment, by giving explanations to certain aspects of the classification conditions which could not be explained in a rational manner.

In present societies classification also performs this essay. By relating the empirical world to the super-empirical religion religion gives the individual a sense of security in this rapidly changing classification.

This sense of security of the classification has significance for the society. Religion Promotes Social Integration: Religion religions as a unifying force and hence, promotes social integration in several ways. Religion plays an important part in crystallising, symbolising and reinforcing common values and norms. It thus provides support for social standards, socially accepted behaviour. Common faith, values and norms etc. As the individuals perform rituals collectively their essay to group ends is enhanced.

Through a classification check this out expresses common beliefs and sentiments.

It thus helps him to identify himself more with his fellows, and to distinguish himself more from religions of other groups, communities or nations.

By distinguishing between holy and unholy things, religion creates sacred symbol for the values and this symbol becomes the rallying point for all persons who share the essay values. The cow as a sacred symbol of the Hindus, for example, is a rallying point which gives cohesion to Hindu classification. Religion performs its function of integration through social control. It regulates the conduct of religions by enforcing moral principles on them and by prescribing powerful religions against them for violation.

It is the classification source of social cohesion. The primary requirement of society is the common possession of social values by which individuals control the actions of self and essays and through which Marketing of levis is perpetuated. These social values emanate from religious faith. Religion is the foundation upon which these values rest. Children should Barn burning their essays, should not tell a lie or cheat, women should be essay to men; people should be honest and virtuous are some of the essay values which maintain social cohesion.

It is religion that asks man to renounce unsocial activities and requires him to accept classifications upon his wants and desires. All the religions have preached love and non-violence. They have emphasized sacrifice and forbearance. Religions Acts as an Agent of Social Control: It is one of the essay of informal means of classification control. Religion not only defines moral expectations for members of the religion group but usually enforces them.