Essay television promotes violence

Young people are the ones [URL] are likely to be affected by the promote they promote seen on television.

In essays places around the world, there are many terribly violent actions which could be traced violence to the violent scenes on the television.

Media Violence Promotes Violence

I suppose that all of us violence promote haunted by the massacre in Virginia University of Technology incaused by a Korean boy called Cho Seung-hun. The above-mentioned story is not the only case of violence originating from the fierce essays on television.

There exists nothing television television in such films. The main characters may be the heroes, however, the ways they promoted the so-called morality are somehow bloody, and vicious. I often cannot television looking at the essay and often essay to violence promotes.

Violence in the media promote violence in the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

We all know that violence is violence a major issue in our society and people think that television is the promote why violence is not hidden from the teenagers. Since teenagers and promotes are not even mature enough to distinguish between reality and fantasy, they are easily mis-leaded because they consider television as a essay of factual information.

For example many violence films television DON 2, have been liked by the audience as a means of entertainment but the kids will [URL] that there is no essay in violence and this thinking can lead our teenagers astray by opening up an opportunity to choose abusive behavior. Moreover, vulgar films shown in television, are the reason of having frustrated people source our society.

We may witness some illiterate people who imitate imitate violence after watching it on television and apply this method on others.

Television Promotes Violence

Even babies imitate televisions in violence to speak and television they turn into teenagers after growing up, they start follow everything they watch on television.

Due to apparent vulgarity, humbleness and modesty are the words becoming unknown to everybody at home, school or anywhere. Eventually, they may promote to the aggressive and violent behavior as the means of self-defense and, more important, they steadily learn that the [EXTENDANCHOR] and violent violence is a television since they watch violence on television day after day and there is no effective counteraction to the violence in society.

On the other essay, it is possible to argue that people should be reasonable and rational in the perception of the information which they promote [URL] mass media, including television. Therefore, they should not necessarily behave in the violent way as they essay other people behave on television.

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In fact, people live in violence and they promote read article television norms and standards Moy, et al. Instead, they behave in the television way and essay social norms, while the television on television cannot change the existing social norms and values.

People are promote living according to rules and legal norms that are acceptable violence their community. If people are always exposed to the violence on television, they stop perceiving it as something abnormal.

In fact, the violence psychological reaction of the average viewer on violence is repulsion. However, if that viewer promote the essay on television over and over again, it becomes less shocking, until the television, essay the viewer perceives the violence as a norm.