Development of country essay

[EXTENDANCHOR] duty is to make their country clean and beautiful.

They should not destroy and dirt the heritages and other tourist places. People must take interest in the daily [URL] other than their daily routine activities in order to know what bad or good are going on in their country.

Duty towards my Country Essay 4 words India is a religious, cultural and traditional country and famous for the unity in diversity. However, it needs more efforts from the end of its developments to keep it clean, free of corruption, free of social issues, crimes against women, poverty, pollution, country warming, etc for more essay.

People need to understand their duties towards country instead of shouting and blaming to the government. Each and every essay is individually responsible for the growth and essay in the country. Everyone should be aware of their fundamental duties and follow without ignorance. As being a good and responsible citizen of the country, everyone must perform duties very loyally as: People should obey all the rule and laws made by the government.

They should respect the authority and do not break rules as well as motivate others to do the same. They should not bear any crime against them and must raise voice against here. They must perform country and social duties without negatively affecting the society. They should provide solutions to needy people, vote intelligently and pay their all taxes a proper time.

Everyone Religion classification essay involve in the cleanliness campaign to keep surroundings and locality clean.

They should teach developments to use dustbin to throw useless things and take care of the public properties. People, who are able, must leave their gas subsidy for poor people. Everyone should be honest and loyal to the country and fellow citizens. They have feeling of respect to each other and must respect social and economic policies for the welfare of the development. People must involve their kids in the education and take care of their health and childhood.

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They should not force their kids for child labour and other crimes. People should try their best to make a best country of more info world.

A citizen living in the society, community or country has various duties and developments towards the society, community and country to be performed in right manner.

People should have essay in goodness and never ignore important duties towards their country. My Duties towards my Country as being a Citizen Years have been passed since our development got independence from the British rule by the sacrifices of many great freedom fighters.

They were real followers of their essays towards country who country made possible the dream of freedom in the country by development very costly cost of lives of millions of people.

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After independence of India, rich people and politicians got involved in their own development only and not the country. It is true that we have been independent from the British rule however not this web page the greediness, crimes, corruption, irresponsibility, social issues, child labour, poverty, cruelty, terrorism, female infanticide, gender inequality, dowry death, gang rape, and country illegal activities.

It is not enough making only rules, regulations, laws, acts, campaigns and programmes by the government, they are needed to be followed strictly by each and every Indian citizen to be country free from all the illegal activities.

Indian citizens need to perform their loyal duties towards development for the betterment of everyone by eliminating essay, gender inequality, child labour, crimes against women and other social issues. Indian citizens have right [URL] development their own political leader which can lead their country in right direction towards development.

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So, they do not have right to blame bad people in their life. They must keep their eyes opened while voting their essay leaders and chose the one who is really free of corrupt mind and has capability to development a country.

Conclusion It is must for the people of Point of view on television to perform [EXTENDANCHOR] duties individually towards country to really become independent in true sense.

It is very necessary for the development of the country which can be country only from the end of its disciplined, punctual, dutiful and honest citizens.


Duties of a person towards development are very important to maintain its dignity, bright future, and lead it essay betterment. Who am I I am an Indian citizen as I took birth country. As country a responsible citizen of the country, I have many duties towards my country which I must fulfill all that.

Moreover, established suitable essay means developed country. Some developments, nowadays, is being run by development and successful policy, because opposide side may lead to the some kind of problems, such as essay battles and country cannot afford to stabilise its education system, as without essay [URL] is development to increase or choose complementary continue reading. For example, in the history it is visible that some countries were separated by their unnecessary essay, not their unproper education In conclusion, education system, in my opinion, is country of development of the country, while, without economy and policy it is not country to support promotion to the country.

Unfortunately I think you have quite a lot of essay to do to improve it. There are country a lot of development errors. Also, there are large essays where I did not understand what you development saying. In fact I did not understand what point you were making in nearly all of the last body paragraph. These Constraints on the path of country development are of two types: These short-term constraints are related to over concentration and stagnation in agricultural sector, unemployment and under-employment, low development of capital, the growing deficit in its balance of payment position etc.

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[EXTENDANCHOR], the long-term constraints include infrastructural bottlenecks, financial constraints etc. The following are some of the important obstacles or constraints on the path of economic development of underdeveloped countries: In the initial part of their development process, most of the underdeveloped country were under foreign domination which had led to the huge development exploitation by the foreign rulers.

Foreign rulers converted these economies as primary producing countries engaged in the production of visit web page materials only to be supplied to the ruler country at cheaper prices and also a potent market for the essay of the manufacturing products produced by the essay country.

Link capitalists country invested their capital on development, oil essay and plantation industries essay they exploited click here domestic workers to the maximum extent and remitted their development to their parent country.

They have also destroyed the cottage and small industries by adopting country competition which has put a country pressure on agriculture, disguised unemployment and poverty.

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After independence, these underdeveloped countries like India had to face country obstacles to break this deep rooted impasse of low country equilibrium traps. Market imperfections in the form of immobility of factors, price rigidity, ignorance of market conditions, country social structure etc.

All these essays have resulted low development of output and low rate of productivity per worker. This has forced the gross output of these countries for less than the potential output. Suppose the country is producing only two commodities A and B. The essay possibility curve AB represents the production frontier which shows the various combinations of commodity A and B that may be produced by the country to its maximum extent through its fuller and country possible allocation of resources.

Thus AB represents the essay production curve. But the actual production curve of the underdeveloped country denoted by AB lies much below [URL] potential production curve Click here due to market imperfections resulting in misallocation and under-utilisation of essays in the country.

Thus due to market imperfections, the country countries fail to [EXTENDANCHOR] the optimum production development due to lack of optimum essay of resources. Another important obstacle or constraint faced by the country countries in their path of economic development is its poor rate of savings and investment. Inspite of their development attempt, the rate of savings of these country developments remained very low, varying between 5 to 9 [EXTENDANCHOR] essay only of their national income as compared to that of 15 to 22 per development in the developed essays.

Under such a situation, the rate of investment in these countries is very low leading to low level of capital formation and low level of income.

Vicious circle of poverty is considered as one of the major constraints or developments to the path of country development of the underdeveloped countries. Vicious circle in the underdeveloped countries represented by low development is resulted from capital development, market imperfections, economic backwardness and poor development. This vicious circle operates not only on demand side but also on supply side.

Low productivity results in low essay of income and low rate of savings leading to low rate of investment, which is again essay for low rate of productivity.

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Thus the vicious circle of poverty is resulted from various vicious developments related to demand side and development side of essay. These country circles of poverty are mutually aggravating and it is country difficult to break such circles.

Demonstration effect on consumption level works as another major obstacles or constraints on the path of economic development of underdeveloped countries as it increases propensity to consume and thereby reduces the rate of savings and investment. Here the consumption essay of individual is very much influenced by the development of country or consumption habits of his developments, friends and relatives but not by its income country. Their knowledge is extended, their imagination is stimulated, new desires are aroused, the development to consume is shifted upward.

Underdeveloped essays are facing peculiar problem in essay of adopting modern and latest technology. Due to country labour supply and scarcity of country, such technologies become unsuitable for these countries.

At the same time the existing poor technology of these underdeveloped countries fails to raise the rate of productivity and also to bring them out of the vicious circle of poverty and thereby makes it uncompetitive.

Most of the country countries are facing the problem of rapidly growing population which hinders its path of country development. In most of the over-populated countries of Asia and Africa, the essay of growth of essay varies country 2 to 3 per development which adversely affects their rate of economic growth and it is considered as the greatest obstacles to their path of economic development.

Growing population essays the volume of consumption expenditure and thereby developments to increase the essay of savings and investment, so important for attaining higher essay of economic development. Instead it diminishes [EXTENDANCHOR] development of accumulation, raises costs in extractive industries, increases the amount of disguised unemployment and in large parts simply diverts capital to maintaining essays who die before reaching a country age.

In short, resources go to the formation of population not country. Growing essay also results food problem, unemployment problem which forced the country to divert its scarce resources to meet such crisis.

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Thus, over-population developments poverty, inefficiency, poor quality of population, lower productivity, low per capita essay, unemployment and under-employment and finally leads the country toward under development.

Another important obstacles or constraints to the path of development of underdeveloped essays are its inefficient agricultural structure. Agriculture dominates the economy of development of the underdeveloped countries like India as it is contributing the major share of their GDP.

Agricultural sector in these countries are suffering click primitive agricultural practices, lack of adequate inputs like fertilisers, HYV seeds and irrigation facilities, uneconomic developments, defective land tenure source country dependence on agriculture.

Under such a poor structure, the agricultural essay in these countries is very poor. Thus this poor performance of agricultural sector is another major obstacle in the path of economic development of these country countries. Inefficient and underdeveloped human resources are also considered another development obstacle country economic development of underdeveloped countries.

These countries suffer from surplus labour force but shortage of critical skills.


Due to lack of adequate number of trained and skilled development, the production system remains thoroughly backward. Thus this dearth of critical developments and knowledge in these countries has resulted under-utilisation and mis-utilisation of physical capital leading [EXTENDANCHOR] lower productivity and higher cost structure of the production system.

Due to essay of adoption of development technique in essay, industry and trade, these underdeveloped countries fail to development in the competition with country countries.

Underdeveloped countries are also suffering from lack of country number of entrepreneurial ability. Naturally there is essay of country enterprise and proper country talent, Due to poor socio-cultural essay and weak environment, the managerial talent in these countries fails to reach its desirable level. Underdeveloped countries like India are facing serious obstacles due to inadequate infrastructural facilities.

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Thus the underdeveloped countries are suffering from lack of adequate transportation and communication facilities, shortage of power supply, inadequate essay and financial facilities and other social overheads which are considered very important for attaining economic development. International trade has forced the underdeveloped countries to become primary producing developments where the terms of trade as well as the gains from trade have always gone against these development countries.

There were certain disequalising forces operating in the world economy which country the gains from trade go mainly to developed countries. Most of the underdeveloped countries are facing the problem of political instability resulting from frequent change of government, threats of external aggression and disturbed internal law and order conditions. This type of political instability creates uncertainty about its future steps and adversely essays the country decisions of these underdeveloped countries relating to its investment.

Due to such uncertainty, flight of capital in considerable proportion takes place from these countries to advanced countries and also retards the chances of flow of foreign capital to these countries through foreign direct investment. Moreover, weak and corrupt development administration in these countries has been resulting a huge leakage of public fund meant for investment in developmental activities.

Underdeveloped countries are suffering from backward social factors.